Home Bug Detection | Residential TSCM Services
Serving Government, & Residential Clients
Professional Services by Highly Skilled Specialists w/ Advanced Detection Capability



On a regular basis, our GPS Tracker Sweeps locate both active and passive GPS trackers. Our Bug Sweepers can also detect hidden cameras, audio devices, GPS trackers in automobiles, and other devices.
Our comprehensive bug-sweep services and other counter-surveillance services give you back your peace of mind.


Wiretapping is the preferred method of obtaining intelligence (for quality reasons), and it entails connecting to a wire or other conductor used for communications. This wire could be a phone line, PBX cable, local area network, CCTV video system, alarm system, or any other type of communication medium.

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Bug Detection

Advanced Bug Detection Services for Residential Security. At Bugged.com, we understand that your personal space deserves the highest level of security. Our residential bug detection services are tailored to identify and neutralize hidden cameras, microphones, and GPS trackers that may have been secretly placed in your home.

Most Trustable Bug Sweeps Service Around The United States and World

Diverse Detection Capabilities: We cover all forms of electronic surveillance, offering peace of mind to homeowners.

Custom Solutions: Each home is unique, and so are our bug detection services, customized to your specific living environment.

Post-Detection Support: We don’t just find bugs; we help you understand how to maintain a secure environment moving forward.

Protect Your Right to Privacy!

Bugged.com utilizes its 34 years of experience to protect potential targets. Moreover, if you believe you may be a victim of a wiretap or bug, call us immediately. Your privacy, security, and safety are at stake, and only the leading expert can guarantee results!

Kiev Capital of Ukraine

Bugged.com’s team of highly trained residential TSCM Technical Officers is headed up by Michael Peros. Peros began his work studying mechanical engineering at the University of South Florida. From there, Peros received instruction from Glenn Whidden. Whidden was a top spy for the CIA and military for over 28 years. Whidden took Peros under his wing, training and teaching him everything he needed to know about bugs and wiretaps.

It was Peros who discovered over 65,000 illegal intercepts through bugs and wiretaps in the Key Bank case in Tampa, Florida, the largest case of illegal wiretapping at the local, state, and federal law enforcement level. His work in this fascinating case earned him the praise of the Chief Investigator of the U.S General Inspector’s Office in Washington, DC.